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Cerner Millenium Specimen List



Abortion, Ind Abortion - Induced
Abortion, Spont Abortion - Spontaneous/Missed
Abscess Abscess
Adenoids Adenoids
Adipose tissue Adipose tissue(lipoma or fat/fatty tissue
Adnexa, neoplastic  SEE: Ovary, Neop
Adnexa, non neopl SEE: Ovary, xNeop
Adrenal Resec Adrenal Resection
Amniotic fluid Amniotic Fluid
Amp digits xtraum SEE: Fingers toes, Tr
Amp digits xtraum SEE: Fingers toes, xTr
Amput trauma SEE: Ext, Amp, Tr
Amput, disartic SEE: Ext, Amp, Dis
Amput, non trauma SEE: Ext, Amp, xTr
Aneurysm Aneurysm - Arterial/Ventricular
Anus, Tag Anus, Tag
Aortic aneurysm SEE: Aneurysm
Appendix Appendix, Other than Incidental
Appendix, Inc Appendix, Incidental
Arachnoid tmr Arachnoid tumor resection
Arachnoid x tmr Arachnoid, other than tumor
Artery, Bx Artery, Biopsy
Ascitic Fl Ascitic Fluid
Autop, 1 Organ Autopsy, Ltd, Single Organ
Autop, Inf/CNS Autopsy, Comp, Infant/CNS
Autop, Nwbn/CNS Autopsy, Comp, Still/Nwbrn/CNS
Autop, Regional Autopsy, Ltd, Regional
Autop, w/ CNS Autopsy, Comp, CNS
Autop, w/o CNS Autopsy, Comp, w/o CNS


BAL Bronchial Alveolar Lavage
Bartholin Bartholin's Gland Cyst
Bladder bx SEE: Urin Blad, Bx
Bladder nk marg SEE: Urin Blad, Neck
Bladder TUR SEE: Urin Blad, TUR
Bladder Wa Bladder Washing
Bleb lung SEE: Lung, Bleb
Blood, cancer Cancer Blood
Blood, clot Blood clot
Blood, PB Blood, peripheral
Blood, PB NB Blood, peripheral, newborn 
BM, Aspirate Bone Marrow, Aspirate
BM, Bx Bone Marrow, Biopsy
BM, Clot Bone Marrow Clot
BM, Flow Bone Marrow for Flow Cytometry
Bone Marrow bx SEE: BM, Bx
Bone Marrow, asp Bone Marrow Aspirate
Bone Resec Bone (except marrow) Resection
Bone, Bx Bone -(except marrow) Biopsy/Curettings
Bone, Exostosis Bone, Exostosis
BoneFrag, Fract Bone Fragment(s), Pathologic fracture
BoneFrag, xFrac Bone Fragment(s), Other than pathologic fracture
Br Misc Brushing Specimen
Brain, Bx Brain, Biopsy
Brain, Cyst Brain, Cyst
Brain, Res, Tum Brain/Meninges, Tumor Resection
Brain, Res, xTu Brain/Meninges, Other than for tumor resection
Branchial Cleft Branchial cleft cyst
Breast Fl Cytology breast nipple discharge
Bronch Br Bronchial Brushing
Bronch Wa Bronchial Washing
Bronch, Bx Bronchus, Biopsy
Bronchial bx SEE: Lung, Trnsbr Bx
Brst Bx, core SEE: Brst Bx, xmarg
Brst Bx, marg Breast, Biopsy, requiring review of margins
Brst Bx, xmarg Breast, Biopsy, not req review of margins
Brst, Mast, nod Breast, Mastectomy - with Regional Lymph Notes
Brst, Mast, Sim Breast, Mastectomy - Partial/Simple w/o lymph nodes
Brst, Reduc Breast, Reduction Mammoplasty
Bunion Bunion
Bursa Bursa
Cancer Tissue Cancer Tissue
Carpal Tunnel Carpal Tunnel Tissue
Cartilage, Shav Cartilage, Shavings
Cecum, Bx SEE: Colon, Bx
Cell Block Cell Block, Any Source
Cervical bx SEE: CXBX
Chips bladder SEE: Urin Blad, TUR
Chips prostate SEE: Prost, TUR
Cholesteatoma Cholesteatoma
Chorionic villi Chorionic villus sample
Circumcision Ad SEE: Foreskn, xNwbrn
CircumcisionNB SEE: Foreskin, Nwbrn
Clot, BM SEE: BM, Clot
Clot, hematoma SEE: Blood, clot
Colectomy total SEE: Colon, Res, Tot
Colectomy tumor SEE: Colon, Res, Tum
Colectomy xtumor SEE: Colon, Res, xTu
Colon, Bx Colon, Biopsy
Colon, Donut Colon resec donut (debridement)
Colon, Margin Colon resec donut (diagnostic margin)
Colon, Polyp Colon polyp
Colon, Res, Tot Colon, Total Resection
Colon, Res, Tum Colon, Segmental Resection for Tumor
Colon, Res, xTu Colon, Segmental Resection, Other than for tumor
Colon, Stoma Colon, Colostomy Stoma
Colostomy  SEE: Colon, Stoma
Condyloma SEE: Skin, Wart
Cone, coniz SEE: CX, Cone
Conjunctiva, Bx Conjunctiva, Biopsy
Contracture Contracture, Dupuytren's
Conv 1 Conventional Pap Smear, One slide
Conv 1, MI Conventional Pap Smear, One slide, w/ MI
Conv 2 Conventional Pap Smear, Two slides
Conv 2, MI Conventional Pap Smear, Two slides, w/ MI
Cornea Cornea
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
CX, Amput Cervix amputation without uterus
CX, Cone Cervical conization
CX, Cyst Cervical cyst
CX, ECC Endocervix, Curettings/Biopsy
CX, LEEP exc Cervix LEEP excision
CX, Polyp Cervical polyp
CXBX Cervix, Biopsy each block
Cyst, barthol SEE: Bartholin
Cyst, brain SEE: Brain, Cyst
Cyst, bursa SEE: Bursa
Cyst, cerv SEE: CX, Cyst
Cyst, dental SEE: Dental cyst
Cyst, derm skin SEE: Epidermoid cys
Cyst, derm soft SEE: Teratoma
Cyst, epiderm SEE: Epidermoid cys
Cyst, fallop tb SEE: Fall Tube, cyst
Cyst, gangl SEE: Ganglion Cyst
Cyst, odonto SEE: Odontogen Cyst
Cyst, oral SEE: Oral cyst
Cyst, other neo Cyst, other, neoplastic
Cyst, other Xneo Cyst, other, non-neoplastic
Cyst, ovary neo SEE: Ovary, Cyst Neo
Cyst, ovary Xneo SEE: Ovary, Cyst
Cyst, paratubal SEE: Fall Tube, cyst
Cyst, pilonidal SEE: Pilonidal
Cyst, sinus SEE: Sinus, cyst
Cyst, skin SEE: Skin, Cyst
Cyst, synovl SEE: Synovial Cyst
Cyst, thyroglos SEE: Thyrogloss Duct
Cyst,brachial SEE: Branchial Cleft
Cystectomy SEE: Urin Blad, Resec
Cystocele Cystocele


Debridemnt SEE: Skin, Debride
Dental cyst Dental cyst
Derm cyst skin SEE: Epidermoid cys
Derm cyst soft SEE: Teratoma
Disarticulate SEE: Ext, Amp, Dis
Disc Intervertebral Disc
Divertic, Esoph SEE: Esoph, Divert
Divertic, Sm B SEE: Sm Int, Divert
Donut, debride SEE: Colon, Donut
Donut, diag SEE: Colon, Margin
Duodenum, Bx Duodenum, Biopsy
Dupuytren's Dupuytren's Contracture Tissue
Dura mater tum Dura mater-tumor resection
Dura mater xtum Dura mater-other than tumor resection


Ectopic Fallopian Tube, Ectopic Pregnancy
Embolus SEE: Thrombus
EMC SEE: Endomet, BX
Endobronch Endobronchial biopsy
Endocardium Endocardium biopsy
Endocerv bx SEE: CX, ECC
Endocerv curet SEE: CX, ECC
Endocervical SEE: CX, ECC
Endomet, BX Endometrium, Curettings/Biopsy
Endomet, polyp Endometrial polyp
Endomyocard Endomyocardium biopsy
Enucleation SEE: Eye, Enuc
Epidermoid cys Epidermoid cyst
Epididymis Epididymis
Esoph Br Esophogeal Brushing
Esoph, Bx Esophagus, Biopsy
Esoph, Divert Esophagial diverticulum
Esoph, Resec Esophagus, Partial/Total Resection
Ethmoid Ethmoid tissue
Ext, Amp, xTr Extremity, Amputation, Non-traumatic
Ext, Amp, Dis Extremity, Disarticulation
Ext, Amp, Tr Extremity, Amputation, Traumatic
Eye, Enuc Eye, Enucleation


Fall Tube, Bx Fallopian Tube, Biopsy
Fall Tube, cyst Fallopian tube cyst
Fall Tube, Neo Tube, neoplastic fallopian tube
Fall Tube, Ster Fallopian Tube, Sterilization
Fallop tub bx SEE: Fall Tube, Bx
Fallop tub neo SEE: Fall Tube, Neo
Fallop tubes SEE: Fall Tube, Ster
Fat tissue SEE: Adipose tissue
Fem Head, Frac Femoral Head - Fracture
Fem Head, xFrac Femoral Head, Other than fracture

Femoral hd frac

SEE: Fem Head, Frac
Femoral hd x frac SEE: Fem Head, xFrac
Fetal tissue Fetal tissue (and fetal blood)
Fetus w/diss SEE: POC
Fingers toes, Tr Fingers/Toes, Amputation, Traumatic
Fingers toes, xTr Fingers/Toes, Amputation, Non-traumatic
Fissure Fissure
Fistula Fistula
FL Misc Fluid Specimen
FNA  Fine Needle Aspirate
FNA Core FNA Core, any site
FNA, Bone Bone FNA
FNA, Breast Breast FNA
FNA, Liver Liver FNA
FNA, Lung Lung FNA
FNA, Lymph Node Lymph Node FNA
FNA, Misc Deep Misc Deep/Radiology FNA Sites
FNA, Misc Super Misc Superficial FNA Sites
FNA, Retroperit Retroperitoneal FNA
FNA, Salivary Salivary Gland FNA
FNA, Thyroid Thyroid FNA
Foreign mat Foreign material (except gross only)
Foreskin, Nwbrn Foreskin, Newborn
Foreskn, xNwbrn Foreskin, Other than newborn


Gallbladder Gall Bladder
Ganglion Cyst Ganglion Cyst
Ganglion symp SEE: Symp Ganglion
Gastric resec SEE: Stom, Res, Tum
Gastric Br Gastric Brushing
Gastric bx SEE: Stom, Bx
Gastric polyp

SEE: Stom, Polyp

Gastric resec xtum SEE: Stom, Res, xTum
Gingiva SEE: Oral, Bx


Heart Heart eg transplant
Heart Bx Heart, Biopsy
Heart Valve Heart Valve
Hemang ext res Hemangiona, soft tissue, extensive resection
Hemang simp ex Hemangionma, soft tissue, simple excision
Hemang skin Hemangioma, skin
Hematoma Hematoma
Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids
Hernia Hernia Sac, Any location
Hydatid mor Hydatid of Morgagni
Hydrocele Hydrocele Sac


Inc appendix SEE: Appendix, Inc
Inc rib SEE: Rib incid
Inc thymus SEE: Thymus, incid
inc uvula SEE: Uvula, Incid
Inc vag muc SEE: Vagina, Muc Inc


Joint, Loose Joint, Loose Body
Joint, Resec Joint, Resection


Kidney, Bx Kidney, Biopsy
Kidney, Resec Kidney, Partial/Total Nephrectomy
Knee Tissue SEE:  Soft Tis, Other


Labia bx SEE: Vulva, Bx
Larynx, Bx Larynx, Biopsy
Larynx, Res, nd Larynx, Partial/Total Resection - with regional lymph nodes
Larynx, Resec Larynx, Partial/Total Resection
LEEP coniz SEE: CX, LEEP exc
LEEP x coniz SEE: CX, LEEP exc
Leiomyoma Leiomyoma(s), Uterine Myomectomy - without uterus
Ligament Ligament
Lingua resec tum SEE: Tongue, Resect
Lingua resec xtum SEE: Tongue, Resec x
Lingual bx SEE: Tongue, Bx
Lip, Bx Lip, Biopsy
Lip, Wedge Res Lip, Wedge Resection
Lipoma Lipoma
Liver, Bx med Liver, Needle Biopsy, medical 
Liver, Bx trans Liver biopsy for transplant evaluation
Liver, Par Res Liver, Partial Resection
Liver, Tot Res Liver hepatectomy
Liver, Wedge Bx Liver, Wedge Biopsy
Lumpectomy SEE: Brst Bx, marg
Lung bx x wedge SEE: Lung, Trnsbr Bx
Lung, Bleb Lung, Bleb
Lung, Resec Lung - Total/Lobe/Segment Resection
Lung, Trnsbr Bx Lung, Transbronchial Biopsy
Lung, Wedge Bx Lung, Wedge Biopsy
Lymph Node SEE: Lymph Node, Lym
Lymph Node, Bx Lymph Node, Biopsy needle or incisional
Lymph Node, Lym Lymph node for lymphoma workup (surgeon requested)
Lymph Node, Res Lymph Nodes, Regional Resection
Lymph Node, Sen Lymph Nodes, Sentinal


Mammoplasty SEE: Brst, Reduc
Mastectomy simple SEE: Brst, Mast, Sim
Mastectomy w/nodes SEE: Brst, Mast, nod
Mastectomy, rad SEE: Brst, Mast, nod
Mediastinum Mediastinum, Mass
Mediastinum, bx Mediastinum, Mass biopsy
Melan, exc xtumor Melanoma, re excision deep w/o tumor not skin
Melan, other Melanoma, other
Melan, re exc SEE: Melan, x skin
Melan, re exc oth SEE: Melan, other
Melan, x skin Melanoma deep excision equivalent to soft tissue excision
Meninges tumor Meninges for tumor resection
Meninges x tum Meninges other than for tumor
Meningiohematoma SEE: Hematoma
Meningioma Meningioma
Meniscus Meniscus
Mortons neuro SEE: Neuroma
Mucocele Mucocele, Salivary
Mucosa bx ging SEE: Oral, Bx
Mucosa bx nasal SEE: Nasal, Bx
Mucosa bx oral SEE: Oral, Bx
Mucosa, other Mucosa, other
Mucosa, sinus SEE: Sinus, Bx
Mucosa, vag incid SEE: Vagina, Muc Inc
Mucosa, vag xincid SEE: Vagina, Muc xIn
Muscle, Bx Muscle, Biopsy
Myocardium, Bx Myocardium, Biopsy
Myomectomy SEE: Leiomyoma


Nasal, Bx Nasal Mucosa, Biopsy
Nasal, polyp Nasal polyp
Nasal, septum Nasal septum
Nasopharynx, Bx Nasopharynx/Oropharynx, Biopsy
Nephrectomy SEE: Kidney, Resec
Nerve, Bx Nerve, Biopsy/segment except vagus
Nerve, tumor Nerve tumor (eg Schwannoma)
Nerve, vagus Nerve vagus
Neuroma Neuroma - Morton's/Traumatic
Neuroma other Neuroma other


Odontogen Cyst Odontogenic/Dental Cyst
Odontogen Tumor Odontogenic Tumor
Omentum, Bx Omentum, Biopsy
Omentum, tum Omentum resection for tumor
Omentum, xtumor Omentum resection other than for tumor
Oral cyst Oral cyst
Oral, Bx Gingiva/Oral Mucosa, Biopsy
Oropharynx bx Oropharynx biopsy
Other Miscellaneous Surgical Specimen
Outside Autopsy Outside Autopsy
Outside Blk/Sld Outside Block/Slide
Outside Slide Outside Slide(s)
Ovary, Bx Ovary, Biopsy
Ovary, Cyst Ovarian cyst non neoplastic
Ovary, Cyst Neo Ovarian cyst neoplastic
Ovary, Neop Ovary, w/wo Tube, Neoplastic
Ovary, Wdge Res Ovary, Wedge Resec
Ovary, xNeop Ovary, w/wo Tube, Non-neoplastic


Pancreas, Bx Pancreas - Biopsy
Pancreas, Resec Pancreas - Total/Subtotal Resection
Pap Smear, Diag Pap Smear for Diagnostic purposes
Pap Smear, High  Pap Smear for High Risk Screening
Pap Smear, Rout Pap Smear for Routine Screening
Paranasal bx Paranasal biopsy
Parathyroid Parathyroid Gland
Paratubal cyst SEE: Fall Tube, cyst
Parotid gland Parotid gland
Pelvic Wa Pelvic Wash
Penis, amput Penis amputation (partial or complete)
Penis, bx Penis biopsy
Pericard, bx Pericardium biopsy
Pericard, tum Pericardium resection for tumor
Pericard, xtum Pericardium resection for other than tumor
Pericardial Fl Pericardial Fluid
Peripheral Sm Peripheral blood Smear
Periton, tumor Peritoneum resection for tumor
Periton, xtumor Peritoneum resection other than for tumor
Peritoneum, Bx Peritoneum, Biopsy
Pharynx, Biopsy SEE:  Larynx, Biopsy
Pia mat tumor Pia mater tumor resection
Pia mat xtumor Pia mater other than tumor resection
Pilonidal Pilonidal Cyst/Sinus
Pituitary, bx Pituitary biopsy
Pituitary, tum Pituitary Tumor
Pituitary, xtum Pituitary other than biopsy or tumor
Placenta, Third Placenta, Third Trimester
Placenta, Twin Placenta Twin
Placenta, xThrd Placenta, Other than Third Trimester
Plaque Artery, Atheromatous Plaque
Plaque Plaque
Plastic repair Plastic repair skin
Pleura, Bx Pleura, Biopsy, Tissue
Pleura, Tum Pleura resection for tumor
Pleura, Xtum Pleura resection other than for tumor
Pleural Fl Pleural Fluid
POC Fetus, with Dissection
POC ind abort Products of conception, induced abortion
POC spon abort Products of conception, spontaneous abortion
Polyp skin SEE: Skin, Tag
Polyp, Colorect SEE: Colon, Polyp
Polyp, CX/ECC SEE: CX, Polyp
Polyp, Stm/Sm B SEE: Stom, Polyp or Sm Int, Polyp
Prod of Concep ind SEE: POC ind abort
Prod of Concep spon SEE: POC spon abort
Prolapse uterine SEE: Uterus, Pro
Prost, Ndle Bx Prostate, Needle Biopsy
Prost, Rad Res Prostate, Radical Resection
Prost, TUR Prostate, transurethral resection
Prost, xRad Res Prostate, Except Radical Resection
Pterygium Pterygium
Pulm wedge SEE: Lung, Wedge Bx


Rectal bx SEE: Colon, Bx
Rectal polyp SEE: Colon, Polyp
Rectocele Rectocele
Reduc mammo SEE: Brst, Reduc
Renal Br Renal Brushing
Renal bx SEE: Kidney, Bx
Renal Wa Renal Washing
Research spec Research specimen
Retro per tum Retroperitoneal mass - for tumor
Retro per xtum Retroperitoneal mass - fother than or tumor
Retroperit Fl Retroperitoneal Cyst Fluids
Rib incid Rib, incidental
Rib marrow sq Rib, marrow squeeze


Salivary Gl, Bx Salivary Gland, Biopsy
Salivary Gland Salivary Gland
Salivary muco SEE: Mucocele
Scar, malig exc Scar-skin (malignant lesion re-excision
Scar, skin rep Scarr-skin(revision/repair/cicatrix)
Scar, soft tis xskin Scar-soft tissue except skin
Schwannoma Schwannoma (nerve tumor)
Seminal vessic Seminal vessicle
Sentinel LN SEE: Lymph Node, Sen
Septum nasal SEE: Nasal, septum
Sinus, bx Sinus paranasal biopsy
Sinus, Contents Polyps, Inflammatory - Nasal/Sinusoidal
Sinus, cyst Sinus cyst
Sinus, polyp Sinus polyp
Sinusoidal polyp SEE: Sinus, polyp
Skin, Cyst Skin, Cyst
Skin, Debride Skin, Debridement
Skin, exc ntum Skin, deep excision w/o tumor
Skin, exc tum Skin, deep excision w/tumor
Skin, Other Skin, Other than Cyst/Tag/Debridement/Plastic Repair
Skin, Repair Skin, Plastic Repair
Skin, Tag Skin, Tag
Skin, Wart Skin, wart (eg. Verruca vulgaris
Sm Int, Bx Small Intestine, Biopsy
Sm Int, Divert Small Intestine, diverticulum
Sm Int, Polyp Small Intestine, polyp
Sm Int, Res, Tu Small Intestine, Resection for Tumor
Sm Int, Res, xT Small Intestine, Resection, Other than for tumor
Soft Tis, Debrd Soft Tissue, Debridement
Soft Tis, Exc Soft tissue mass (except lipoma) simple excision
Soft Tis, Other Soft Tissue, Other than tumor/mass/lipoma/debridement
Soft Tis, Res Soft Tissue Tumor, Extensive Resection
Soft Tissue, Bx Soft Tissue Mass (except lipoma) - Biopsy
Spermatocele Spermatocele
Spinal cord, bx Spinal cord biopsy
Spinal cord, ex Spinal cord tumor excision
Spleen Spleen
Sputum Sputum
Stom, Bx Stomach, Biopsy
Stom, Polyp Stomach polyp
Stom, Res, Tum Stomach - Subtotal/Total Resection, Tumor
Stom, Res, xTum Stomach - Subtotal/Total Resection, Other than for tumor
Stoma SEE: Colon, Stoma
Sublingual gland SEE: Salivary Gland
Sublinual gl bx SEE: Salivary Gl, Bx
Submand gl bx SEE: Salivary Gl, Bx
Submand gland

SEE: Salivary Gland

Submaxillary bx SEE: Salivary Gl, Bx
Submaxillary gl SEE: Salivary Gland
Surg marg NOS Surgical margin NOS
Symp Ganglion Sympathetic Ganglion
Synovial bx SEE: Synovium
Synovial Cyst Synovial Cyst
Synovium Synovium


Tag, anal SEE: Anus, Tag
Tag, skin SEE: Skin, Tag
Temp artery bx SEE: Artery, Bx
Tendon Tendon/Tendon Sheath
Teratoma Teratoma (soft tissue dermoid cyst)
Terminal Ileum SEE:  Small Int, Bx
Testicular App Testicular Appendage
Testis, Bx Testis, Biopsy
Testis, Cast Testis, Castration
Testis, Other Testis, Other than tumor/biopsy/castration
Testis, Tumor Testis, Tumor
Thin Prep, 1 Thin Prep Pap Smear, One slide
Thin Prep, 2 Thin Prep Pap Smear, Two slides
Thrombus Thrombus or Embolus
Thymus Thymus, Tumor
Thymus xtumor Thymus, other than tumor, biopsy or castration
Thymus, incid Thymus, incidental
Thyrogloss Duct Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
Thyroid Thyroid, Total/Lobe
Thyroid bx Thyroid biopsy
Tissue Tissue 
Tissue, cancer Cancer Tissue
Toes amput traum SEE: Fingers toes, Tr
Toes amput xtraum SEE: Fingers toes, xTr
Tongue bx SEE: Tongue, Bx
Tongue resec tum SEE: Tongue, Resect
Tongue, Bx Tongue, Biopsy
Tongue, Resec x Tongue total or subtotal resection other than for tumor
Tongue, Resect Tongue/Tonsil - Resection for Tumor
Tonsil Tonsils
Tonsil, Bx Tonsil, Biopsy
Tonsil, Res Tum Tonsil resection for tumor
Tonsils a/o adenoids SEE: Tonsils or Adenoids
Trachea, Bx Trachea, Biopsy
Transbron bx SEE: Lung, Trnsbr Bx
Tube ectop SEE: Ectopic
TUR blad SEE: Urin Blad, TUR
Turbinate Turbinate
Tylectomy Tylectomy
Tzanck Tzanck Smear, any site


Ureter Br Ureter Brushing
Ureter Wa Ureter Washing
Ureter, Bx Ureter, Biopsy
Ureter, Resec Ureter, Resection
Urethra, Bx Urethra, Biopsy
Urin Blad, Bx Urinary Bladder, Biopsy
Urin Blad, Neck Urinary bladder neck for margin
Urin Blad, Resec Urinary Bladder, Partial/Total Resection
Urin Blad, TUR Urinary Bladder, TUR
Urine Urine
Uterine fibr SEE: Leiomyoma
Uterus, Neop Uterus, w/wo Tubes & Ovaries, Neoplastic
Uterus, Pro Uterus, w/wo Tubes & Ovaries, for Prolapse
Uterus, xNeop Uterus, w/wo Tubes & Ovaries, Other than neoplastic/prolapse
Uvula, Bx Ex Uvula biopsy or simple excision
Uvula, Incid Uvula incidental


Vagina, Bx Vagina, Biopsy
Vagina, Muc Inc Vaginal Mucosa, Incidental
Vagina, Muc xIn Vaginal mucosa other than incidental
Vagina, Resect Vagina toatl or subtotal resection
Vagus nerve SEE: Nerve, Bx
Valve Valve
Varicocele Varicocele
Varicose vein SEE: Vein
Vas Def, Other Vas Deferens, Other than sterilization
Vas Def, Steril Vas Deferens, Sterilization
Vas malform com Vascular malformation (AVM) complex
Vas malform sim Vascular malformation (AVM) simple
Vein Vein, Varicosity
Vein seg Vein segment
Ventric aneur Ventricular aneurysm
Verm appen inc SEE: Appendix, Inc
Verm appen xinc SEE: Appendix 
Vocal cord bx Vocal cord biopsy
Vulva, Bx Vulva/Labia, Biopsy
Vulva, Resec Vulva - Total/Subtotal Resection


Wa Misc Washing Specimen
Wart SEE: Skin, Wart

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Last modified: 03/05/06